In every interaction, it is important to treat each horse fairly and see him as our equal partner. This approach helps us really listen to our horses and get to know their feelings. In this way, we are able to achieve a trusting relationship, one that is based on mutual mindfulness and awareness.
It’s very important that the horse’s emotions are considered in daily interactions, and that the horse has the chance to say no, if it deems it necessary.
Simply put: I choose to work WITH the horse and not against it!
Warum wir mit dem Reiten aufhören
Für uns beide (Kristina Gau Hiltbrunner and Fenja Königsmann) hat sich in den letzten Wochen und Monaten einiges verändert. Wir sind beide immer noch überrascht über alles, was in der letzten Zeit passiert ist. Kristina hatte auf ihrem Blog bereits zwei...